
Channel Sales in BC Liquor Industry

By: BC Liquor Distribution Branch

Recent changes to government policy will be creating new opportunities for BC’s private liquor stores. Private retailers are now allowed to sell liquor for special events, which will create a new revenue stream. The moratorium on LRSs has also been extended for another 10 years.

Private liquor stores increased their market share over the government-run stores significantly in the last year posting over 50% of sales.

Total Liquor Sales in Litres
y/e March 31, 2021
Licensee Retail Stores 50.6%
BCLS counter customers 32.8%
Licensed Establishments 7.7%
Other customers 4.4%
Agency Stores 4.5%

Hospitality Sector

As of Oct 25, the capacity limits for pubs was finally taken away and patrons can start mingling again giving back the social atmosphere that’s so critical for pubs. This is great news for that beleaguered sector!

Earlier in the year, pubs and restaurants were also given the opportunity to purchase products at wholesale prices. That industry win was due to the Business Advisory Technical Panel’s recommendations and ongoing work from ABLE BC to change this policy.